Posted At: Aug 20, 2024 - 172 Views

The field of development is very vast, and considering the advances in the software development industry, it is safe to say that innovation will always be at the top. There are two words between which people often confuse. They are a website development and website design. Website design mainly deals with the User Interface of the entire platform. It is more so towards designing the layout for the comfort of your customers. But website development is a broader field where end-to-end application development takes place. The critical aspect of website development is user experience.
Now that you know what web development is, there are a few technical aspects that you must learn to have a better idea of how the process happens.
Technicalities of web development
Web development uses different programming and scripting languages, using which developers write code to make the website functioning. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap are the layout and design elements, whereas Javascript, python, and SQL are mostly towards database management and website performance.
Creating a customized web design
The art of creating a customized website design is not easy because you need to have an idea of every aspect of the business before you proceed with the code. Every industry has different specifications, and as time progresses, the requirements might change. So, if you are developing a website, you must keep in mind that the design is inflexible enough to add extra features if and when required. You don’t have to know coding to develop a website because various online platforms help you. All you have to do is select the necessary components. Few venues even have a drag and drop option that lets you customize your website based on your requirements.
Factors You Must Consider While Creating a Website
The concept of Industry-based Web developmentis not new. But the factors that help you improve upon the existing features are something that constantly changes. So you must be familiar with them. Here are a few factors that are a must if you want your website to be at the top of the search engine ranking.
Speed is the essential aspect that you must never compromise with because stats show that almost 90% of the users wait a maximum of 3 seconds for the page to load. If the website doesn’t respond within that time, they close it and probably will never revisit it. That might cause a shortage of traffic to your web page. Hence you must make sure that your website is responsive.
The first impression is the best impression they say, and that’s the trust sentence ever uttered when it comes to websites. The aesthetically pleasing web pages are the ones we spend most of our time on. The factor which suggests ‘pleasing’ may differ from person to person and from industry to industry. For example, animation companies need more visual animes on the screen, whereas the same doesn’t look suitable for an e-commerce website.
The way a user browses from one page to another is crucial because a minor breakage in the flow may lead to them not revisiting the website. Not just that, but at the end, the user must have a sense of productivity, i.e., they should get answers to their questions. And that’s what the usability of a website is all about, and it is the most crucial aspect.
Content is a kingdom of different voices, domains, and information. The way you represent says a lot about your company. Not just that, but the content must be SEO friendly, and that’s where Keyword research, meta links, on-page SEO, off-page SEO come into the picture.
Mobile friendly
Today almost 80% of the users are adapting to a behavior where they browse through websites via their mobile phones. Sometimes the website design that is under laptops may not be responsive on mobiles. If your website is like that, you need to change it ASAP to make mobile users comfortable visiting your page.
The aspect of flexibility comes into the picture when you want to add new features to your website. With the ever-changing needs of customers and the massive scale at which innovation is happening, new ideas are always just around the corner, waiting for you to recognize them. When that happens, you must easily include those special features into your website with minimal effort and, most importantly, in such a way that your website doesn’t face any downside.
User experience
It is the key and the fundamental aspect that, when ignored, will lower your ranking below the standards, and that’s something you should always avoid. The way your customer feels when he opens your website is the crucial factor that makes them come back to you again.
Benefits of creating a customized website
- As the design meets your requirements, it will help you in branding (or even rebranding) your market value.
- It gives you the flexibility so that your website can adapt to any codebase changes that come its way.
- You can optimize the design when you find it necessary.
- You will benefit in the field of SEO, and therefore your SERP will be brilliant.
- As the business and market value change, you can easily change your requirements as well. Having a customized website will give you the flexibility that you require.
- A critical aspect of the website is the hosting platform. Every website has a different need. One may require storage, while the other speed and having a custom website will ensure that you choose the hosting platform that is right for you.
A customized website development service is a one-way ticket that lets you be different. With millions of websites online, you must stand out from the crowd. It helps you increase your website ranking, and you can also concentrate on the content more so that it is SEO friendly. You can approach the web development services in Dubai for more assistance, and you will find contact information on the website.